Every non-trivial code, even C code, has to deal with data containers. While arrays are sufficient in lots of cases, memory usage or algorithmic complexity constraints may impose more clever choices. The lack of containers in C standard library is a classical reproach made to the C language, however, many container implementations are already shipped with the glibc, making them, if not standard, at least widely available.
This post is starting a new series, aiming at presenting the container implementations available, show them at work and discuss of some pros and cons of using them.

Since container implementation is a classic of computer science courses, most developers do the mistake of rolling their own (which I did), although it costs time and leads frequently, to painful bugs crawling in the code base.

In this article, we’ll evaluate various implementation approaches for containers, ending with the one use by one of sys/queue.h’s sub-APIs: slist.


I suggest to compile source code examples provided with this article this way:

export CFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Wunused-variable \
    -Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unused-parameter \
    -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith \
    -Werror -g3 -O0"

To be done only once, then for example:

make approach_1

Container implementation in C

Most containers have to attach metadata to the data elements they contain. This metadata can be for example, a pointer to a next element (linked list…), a color (red-black trees…) and must be stored “along” with the data of interest. Let’s explore a simple stack API implementation on top of a singly-linked list container.

First approach - add container fields to the data structure

Please see the example implementation here.

If we have, say, this kind of data structure, we want to embed in a singly-linked list:

struct my_datum {
	int a;
	char b;

A first approach is to add for example, a pointer to the next element in the list:

struct my_datum {
	int a;
	char b;
	struct my_datum *next;

By doing this, the list head can be a simple pointer to a my_datum element and the empty list, the NULL pointer. A possible list API can be:

/* insertion, modifies the head, hence the double star */
void my_datum_push(struct my_datum **head, struct my_datum *element);
/* removal, same comment */
struct my_datum *my_datum_pop(struct my_datum **head);
/* next element - walkthrough */
struct my_datum *my_datum_next(struct my_datum *previous);


  • the node and the data it contains are allocated at the same time
  • type safety


  • the API has to modify the original data structure
  • the data structure has to know which containers may contain it
  • the data structure has to embed one node-like structure for each container it may be stored into
  • the API is strongly coupled with the datum type

Problem : The coupling issue is the most annoying, when the need to chain other data types will arise, all the function will have to be reimplemented or copy-pasted and there is no possiblilities to unit test the linked-list API separately.

Second approach - genericity using void *

Please see the example implementation here.

Extracting the container’s API can be done by storing the data as a void * inside the containers metadata element. This way, the data structure return to:

struct my_datum {
	int a;
	char b;

And we need a new structure, say node capable of holding both the metadata and a reference on the data:

struct node {
	struct node *next;
	void *content;

The API can become now:

/* insertion, performs an allocation, hence the error return code */
int node_push(struct node **head, void *element);
/* removal, frees the containing node */
void *node_pop(struct node **head);
/* next element - walkthrough */
struct node *node_next(struct node *previous);
/* datum accessor, required at least for a walkthrough */
void *node_get_datum(struct node *node);


  • now the API can be easily reused (and tested separately)
  • the data structure has no knowledge that it can be stored inside a container
  • the API doesn’t modify the original data structure anymore.
  • a same datum can be part of multiple containers with no modifications


  • type safety is lost
  • the node and the data it contains are now allocated separately

Another aspect to consider is that the types of data stored can now be heterogeneous, but because there is no way to retrieve the original type of the data stored, this should be avoided.

Third approach - embed a container node inside the data structure

Please see the example implementation here.

A node structure can be defined, holding this time no reference to any data:

struct node {
	struct node *next;

The original data structure now becomes:

struct my_datum {
	int a;
	char b;
	/* notes: this is not a pointer and the field can be anywhere */
	struct node node;

Now the question is: “how to implement a generic API with these structures?”, for that, we’ll use the container_of macro.

Ubiquitous in the kernel, the container_of macro allows, knowing the address of a structure instance’s node field, to retrieve the address of the structure containing the field. Its definition can be found, for example, in the linux kernel source code. That is, if we have a ptr struct node * pointer, then container_of(ptr, struct my_datum, node) gives the address of the struct my_datum object whose node field address is ptr.

With this tool, we can design a manipulation API having knowledge only of the node structure:

/* insertion */
void node_push(struct node **head, struct node *node);
/* removal */
struct node *node_pop(struct node **head);
/* next element - walkthrough */
struct node *node_next(struct node *previous);

node_get_datum is usually defined as a macro (and would be named to_my_datum if in the kernel) and can then be defined this way:

#define node_get_datum(p) container_of((p), struct my_datum, node)

to retrieve a my_datum structure knowing a corresponding struct node address.


  • the API still can be easily reused and tested separately
  • the node and the data it contains are allocated at the same time


  • the API has to modify the original data structure
  • the data structure has to know which containers may contain it
  • the data structure has to embed one node-like structure for each container it may be stored into
  • there still is no type safety

Fourth approach - the sys/queue.h API, or macros everywhere

Please see the example implementation here.

We’ll use the slist API provided by sys/queue.h, which implements a singly-linked list API. The datum structure uses macros for defining the chaining structure elements.

First is the datum structure, defined this way:

struct my_datum {
    int a;
    char b;
    SLIST_ENTRY(my_datum) node;

Which expands to:

struct my_datum {
    int a;
    char b;
    struct {
        struct my_datum *sle_next;
    } node;

An additional structure is defined, to represent the head of the list, which can be declared this way:

SLIST_HEAD(my_datum_slist, my_datum);

Which expands to:

struct my_datum_slist {
	struct my_datum *slh_first;

A complete API is provided, node_push’s equivalent is defined this way:

#define	SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {			\
	(elm)->field.sle_next = (head)->slh_first;			\
	(head)->slh_first = (elm);					\
} while (/*CONSTCOND*/0)

And is used this way:

struct my_datum node_a = { .data = 'a' };
SLIST_HEAD(my_datum_slist, my_datum) head = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head);

SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&head, &node_a, node);

node_pop isn’t provided but can be simulated by SLIST_FIRST(head) followed by SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field), for example:

#define node_pop(head, field) ({\
    typeof((head)->slh_first) __res = SLIST_FIRST((head)) \
    SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field); \

And last, node_next functionality is provided by SLIST_NEXT.

Since the list type is not the same as the node type, some extra utilities have to be provided, like SLIST_FIRST, which returns the first element of an slist and SLIST_EMPTY, used to test whether the slist is empty or not.


  • the API still can be easily reused and tested separately
  • the node and the data it contains are allocated at the same time
  • type safety
  • it already exists and is available everywhere (one header file which can be copied as-is)


  • the API has to modify the original data structure
  • the data structure has to know which containers may contain it
  • the data structure has to embed one node-like structure for each container it may be stored into
  • two data structures have to be defined instead of only once
  • using macros everywhere is complex to understand and hides things

Last words

Choosing which approach is the best fit isn’t a matter of counting the pros and cons, because some will have more weight than others. For my own part, reusing an already existing implementation without introducing potentially heavy dependencies is the most important, that’s why I’m using sys/queue.h more and more in my development projects.

In my humble opinion, not having to deal with multiple allocations for one datum node is the second most important aspect, think about when one has to chain some data in 3 different lists. That would lead to 4 objects’ lifecycle to handle for each node of the list. This aspect disqualifies the void * approach.

And to me, the third most important aspect, if forced to implement my own linked list API is reuse and testability which disqualifies the first approach.

To conclude this article, when I’m forced to reimplement a linked list API, I personnally use the container_of approach and otherwise, I use what the C library already offers and which we’ll see in more details in the next articles of this series.