Reading the glibc manual can reveal some hidden gems which can prove useful from times to times. One I recently stumbled across resides in the argz.h and envz.h headers. In this article, I will present a simple, but quite common use case, which is reading and writing a simple configuration file, consisting of key / value pairs.

In this article, I’ll start by proposing a basic API, in the form of a simple string registry, loaded either from memory or from a file. Then I’ll implement a small test suite. And I’ll propose an implementation, based on the argz / envz APIs.


To build the code listed in this blog post, you’ll only need a working version of gcc, no special dependency is required.


The project will consist in 3 files. The ae_config.h header which is the “public” API, it’s implementation, ae_config.c and a test program test_ae_config.c.

To compile it, I suggest doing:

    gcc *.c -o test_ae_config -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O0 -g3

-Wall -Wextra -Werror will enable a set of warnings which is a good starting point for this kind of simple project and makes sure that they can’t be missed. -O0 -g3 will make the debug with gdb less painful. If you choose to build with another method, please be sure that the NDEBUG macro isn’t defined, otherwise, the assert macro will not be defined and test_ae_config.c won’t work.

The API - ae_config.h

The argz / envz APIs store an array of nul-terminated strings into one char array. This is quite handy, because only one allocation is required and one level of pointer indirection is saved. But for this to work, an extra number is required, to store the overall storage size.

Hence the configuration registry structure can be defined as:

    struct ae_config {
        char *argz;
        size_t len;

We’ll need some functions to populate the registry, for a start, we’ll load the config from either a file or from a string in memory. We’ll implement the former, using the latter:

    int ae_config_read(struct ae_config *conf, const char *path);
    int ae_config_read_from_string(struct ae_config *conf, const char *string);

These two functions will do some allocations, so we’ll need a function to do the cleanup:

    void ae_config_cleanup(struct ae_config *conf);

And of course, at least one query function is required to make this API useful:

    const char *ae_config_get(const struct ae_config *conf, const char *key);

This API is quite frugal, but can be quite easily extended. For example, one may want to be able to create a config, item by item, or to delete items, merge configs, iterate over the keys… All of these are possible quite simply, as exploring the documentation of argz and envz will show you.

Automated tests suite - test_ae_config.c

The test program makes intensive use of the assert macro. To ease it’s usage in this context, one may want to write some wrapper macros for some test scenarios, like I did with the assert_str_equal macro, used to check that two strings are equal as expected.

The center part is the test_conf function, testing that some expected keys are present and with the expected value and that a non existent key is associated to the NULL value:

    assert_str_equal(ae_config_get(conf, "foo"), "yaaa");
    assert_str_equal(ae_config_get(conf, "bar"), "woops");
    assert_str_equal(ae_config_get(conf, "baz"), "hop hop hop");
    assert_str_equal(ae_config_get(conf, "key with spaces "),
            " value with spaces ");
    assert(ae_config_get(conf, "non-existent key") == NULL);

To simplify the test, the configuration uses is a simple string, string. This way we can test the config obtained from it with ae_config_read_from_string, in test_string:

    assert(ae_config_read_from_string(&conf, string) == 0);

and, in test_file, we can also test ae_config_read with the same data, provided we write it to a file beforehand:

    assert((f = fopen(path, "wbe")) != NULL);
    assert(fwrite(string, sizeof(char), size, f) == size);
    assert(fflush(f) == 0);
    assert(ae_config_read(&conf, path) == 0);

Note the fflush, which is important, otherwise, the file could be empty when read by ae_config_read.

This test suite will allow us to prove that our implementation is functional. To prove it’s robustness, one should at least add limit cases tests, to test things like: “what happens when an argument is NULL ?”.

The implementation - ae_config.c

Most of it is ridiculously simple. First comes ae_config_read_from_string, which is one line long:

    return -argz_create_sep(string, '\n', &conf->argz, &conf->len);

ae_config_get is even shorter:

    return envz_get(conf->argz, conf->len, key);

We start doing some “serious” work, with ae_config_cleanup, which is … two lines long:

    memset(conf, 0, sizeof(*conf));

Now we already have a functional string map, but the original aim was to have a configuration file format, so the ae_config_read is the function we’re really interested in. It’s implementation, stripped of the mandatory error checks, is as follows:

    f = fopen(path, "rbe");
    /* compute the size of the file */
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    size = ftell(f);
    /* be kind, rewind */
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);

    /* read all */
    string = calloc(size, 1);
    fread(string, 1, size, f);

    return ae_config_read_from_string(conf, string);


Once compiled, run the test with:


Or even better with:

    valgrind ./test_ae_config

The expected output is:


and the exit status should be 0, with no reported error under valgrind.

In less than 200 lines of C, we’ve shown a simple key / value pairs configuration file format. This file format has some characteristics, one may consider as limitations. For example, one may want to strip spaces before and after the key and the value. Or keys containing space are impossible. But yet, this configuration file format is useful and I’ve already used similar things in production code, with success.

Implementation notes

  1. I make an extensive use of the gcc attribute __attribute__((cleanup(...))). This way, variable with a life span with mustn’t be more than the current function, are guaranteed to be cleaned up at return, even in error code paths. Extra care must be taken though, to assure that they never contain garbage when the function returns, hence the initialization to NULL.
  2. I use nearly always, negative errno values to report errors, it is simple, effective and allows to use the C error API easily (strerror…) without having to deal with multiple error constants sets.
  3. No checks are performed on the API arguments, this can be ok for an internal API, but would be dangerous for an API meant to be public.