Now our rootfs has it’s file system which we’ll be able to restore to it’s initial state with some umounts and rms. It can also be shared between multiple instances. What’s more it is quite isolated from the rest of the system. But the first things a firmware’s pid 1 will do, will be to mount /proc, /sys and /dev and by doing so, will gain access to potentially harmful global resources.
One of (the many) solutions involves a linux security module, such as SELinux or AppArmor. I choose to use the latter, first of all, because of it’s shell like glob syntax which is (sort of) human readable. This post, last of the series, will present the way one can implement it “by hands”, as I did in firmwared.

The aim of this blog post is not to be a comprehensive guide on AppArmor. It is rather an example of an implementation which is not “academic” in the sense that the point of view is that of a developer, not of a sysadmin.


If you want to try the commands demonstrated in this post, you’ll need to get sure AppArmor is activated. It is the case, by default on recent ubuntus (14.04 and 15.04 are fine) but not in debian. To enable AppArmor in debian, one can do :

    sudo perl -pi -e 's,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.*)"$,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$1 apparmor=1 security=apparmor",' /etc/default/grub # I absolutely don't know what this command is doing, YHBW
    sudo update-grub

Then, after a reboot, to check AppArmor is now properly enabled, type : sudo aa-status. Or check the content of the /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled file.

Quick overview

AppArmor allows to define profiles. These profiles can be applied to a process and all it’s descendants. A profile defines things which are allowed and things which aren’t.

For example, the following line :

    deny @{root}/union/proc/sysrq-trigger lrwx,

will deny read, write and execute (rwx) permissions on the file sysrq-trigger. Links will be forbidden too (l). Note that it is possible to use variables, as it is the case here for root which will only be known at runtime.

Other permissions can be granted, for instance, for using capabilities, like capability sys-chroot, …

The most precise source of information is the apparmor.d man page. At the time of writing, the public AppArmor wiki mixes planned and actual features of the syntax.

Inside firmwared

The code is located in src/apparmor.c. It uses a profile template, in resources/firmwared.apparmor.profile, used to generate the real profile, based on information known at runtime, like the real root of the instance. When the instance is created, a custom profile is generated on-the-fly. The vload_profile function launches apparmor_parser with popen to feed it’s standard input with the profile. Sadly, I couldn’t find a function in libapparmor, to do the same thing.

Then when the instance is started, aa_change_profile is used to set the profile used by the pid 1 process.

“Normal” use of AppArmor usually involves reusing profile pieces already provided by the AppArmor distribution. Here we wanted to control precisely the permissions, so all is contained in one, simple profile.

How the profile is built

The AppArmor philosophy in terms of security, is to use white lists, i.e., all is forbidden by default. It is understandable, for example, in a web context with aggressive hackers, willing to compromise a system. Here the risk is only involuntary harmful actions from a firmware. So we choose to enable all and remove after, when problems are spotted. Most of the capabilities have been granted. Then all the file system accesses are allowed. And at last, we deny accesses to some special files in /proc, /sys and /dev.

A special note on /proc/sysrq-trigger, which allows to bypass the isolation provided by the mount namespace with the u key, which asks linux to remount all file systems read-only. This “trick” is used by some init systems on shutdown and forces the user to restart it’s machine.

When things go wrong

Two things can possibly go wrong with AppArmor in firmwared.

First, the firmware can be granted a permission it shouldn’t have. It happened with the sys_time capability: a firmware using it can change the current date, leading to extremely irritating build issues… In this case, one just need to remove the corresponding permission from the profile.

Second, the firmware can be lacking a permission necessary for it’s execution. In this case, the auditd daemon comes in handy. It is able to log all the accesses denied to the firmware and show which permission should be granted.

The most efficient way to detect unduly blocked access is to use this one liner, as root, which will add red color on DENIED logs and green on AUDIT ones:

    esc=$(printf '\033'); stdbuf -oL tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log | stdbuf -oL sed "s/DENIED/${esc}[7;31mDENIED${esc}[0m/g" | stdbuf -oL sed "s/AUDIT/${esc}[1;32mAUDIT${esc}[0m/g" 

It uses sed to add green and red ansi escape sequences around the relevant words and forces with stdbuf, the output to be line buffered, so that logs are displayed line by line and not by blocks

Conclusion of this post series

We have seen the actions taken to create a relative isolation between a process and it’s descendants in firmwared. A lot more could be done to push further the control on the instances’ execution. Cgroups for example, would allow to install quotas, permissions or even to freeze all the instance’s process hierarchy. But for now, the important thing to note is that unlike containers like solutions like docker or rkt, we don’t want to protect ourselves against malicious attackers. We rather want to protect against potentially harmful behavior of pieces of software persuaded to be alone on board.